The word ‘Homoeopathy’ is Latin, which means similar suffering. (Homoeo = similar and pathy = suffering). A German allopathic doctor named Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) verified the above principle convincingly while investigating into the reason for the cure of malaria by cinchona. He subsequently continued research with the verification of results on similar experiments made and founded a new system of medicine, to which he gave the name as “Homoeopathy”
Homeopathy treatment, nowadays, is widely commended and is a fast-growing system of medicine that enhances the natural capacity of the body to overcome diseases by means of natural remedies. Homeopathy is the youngest system of medicine. It is the most scientific, effective, safe and simple system of medicine. This system of medicine is highly useful for a healthy pregnancy and also helps with various fertility issues. Homeopathy makes prescriptions for the cases of low sperm count, hormonal imbalance or miscarriage. It facilitates a natural route to conception by recuperating overall health and erasing the underlying causes of infertility.